Bernie on the Offensive in Thursday Debate

Senator Bernie Sanders speaks during the 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential debate in Houston, Texas, U.S. September 12, 2019. REUTERS/Mike Blake

Bernie on the Offensive in Thursday Debate

No one else was this aggressive, according to NBC.


Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was reportedly the most aggressive out of all 10 candidates on stage at ABC News’ presidential debate Thursday, according to an NBC News Graphics tally.

NBC tracked the verbal attacks hurled by the Democratic candidates throughout the night, representing the direction and subject of each attack in a graphic posted to Twitter.


Final attack count:
-60 total attacks.
-Biden was the most attacked candidate
-Sanders delivered the most attacks
-Trump was attacked 28 times
-McConnell 2 times
-Wall Street and corporations 11 times
-The ‘ultra-rich’ 3 times

— NBC News Graphics (@NBCNewsGraphics) September 13, 2019

There was a total of 60 attacks launched by candidates during Thursday night’s debate, according to NBC’s count.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was the most frequent target for other candidates, President Donald Trump was attacked 28 times, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was attacked twice, NBC reported.

Wall Street and corporations were attacked a total of 11 times and the “ultra-rich” faced three attacks from candidates.

Sanders most frequently went after corporations, the “ultra-rich,” Trump and Biden, according to NBC.

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Image: Reuters.