Does Ukraine Have What It Needs to Keep Up the Momentum?

Does Ukraine Have What It Needs to Keep Up the Momentum?

While Pentagon officials are not offering many specifics about the kinds of new support Ukrainian forces might require, they are clearly aware that Ukraine’s equipment and supply needs are likely to change.


As Ukrainian forces continue to take back territory previously held by Russia and gain momentum, the military equipment they need is likely to evolve.

Given these developments, the Ukrainian military could more fully transition from a largely defensive force fortified by long-range ground rockets, anti-tank weapons, and artillery into more of an advancing mechanized force. Such a circumstance, created by Ukraine’s ability to reclaim and occupy large swaths of territory previously held by Russia, will require additional supplies and logistics lines. Advancing Ukrainian soldiers will also need force protection as they maneuver to seize back their land.


While Pentagon officials are not offering many specifics about the kinds of new support Ukrainian forces might require, they are clearly aware that Ukraine’s equipment and supply needs are likely to change.

“I'm not going to speculate, but certainly we will continue to have that open dialogue with Ukraine, in terms of what their needs are,” Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon’s press secretary, told reporters on September 13. Ryder said ongoing deliberations and discussions with Ukrainian officials will “make sure that they have what they need, not only in the immediate term but also the middle and the -- the long term.” “Ukraine has made some progress, but there's still a very tough fight,” he added.

What might this mean in a tactical and logistical sense? For starters, advancing forces will need forward-positioned food, fuel, weapons, and ammunition available as they maneuver. They will also need portable structures such as tents, bedding, and other accommodations for forces arriving to reclaim key areas. This means that Ukraine may also require new forward operating bases from which to launch further offensives into Russian-held territory.

Moreover, the overall nature of Ukraine’s fight may shift in a way that requires more heavy armor and mechanized forces. While Ukraine has already received heavy armor from its Western partners, more may be needed to close in on and break through Russian fortifications and troop positions. Ukraine may need to mass more forces and maneuver in larger formations. This requires force protection, meaning that Ukrainian forces on a counterattack will need built-in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities in the form of drones, as well as base protections such as sensors, interceptors, and jammers. These base protections could come in the form of something similar to the U.S. Army’s Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM), which links sensors to fire control systems, firing small interceptor rockets or area weapons like the Phalanx gun, which is able to fire hundreds of small projectiles per second, to knock out incoming enemy fire.

The Ukrainians already have U.S.-provided hand-launched mini-drones capable of operating in close coordination with on-the-move ground commanders looking to find enemy threats as their forces advance. Concentrations of advancing Ukrainian forces will also need a greater degree of command and control to coordinate and de-conflict areas of attack or occupation. To a certain extent, Ukraine can still leverage the decentralized approach that it has used with great success thus far. However, there will have to be greater coordination and connectivity for wider-area maneuvers with larger forces reclaiming territory. This may mean there will be a need for more infantry carriers to move units between forward positions, transport vehicles, and coordinated logistics.

So far, Ukrainian forces have been less vulnerable to Russian attacks by virtue of being largely dismounted, dispersed, and not bound by linear formations or centralized command and control structures. A consolidated or “massed” force of any kind presents more target opportunities for enemy fire, but larger coordinated force movements will be necessary.

Kris Osborn is the defense editor for the National Interest. Osborn previously served at the Pentagon as a Highly Qualified Expert with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army—Acquisition, Logistics & Technology. Osborn has also worked as an anchor and on-air military specialist at national TV networks. He has appeared as a guest military expert on Fox News, MSNBC, The Military Channel, and The History Channel. He also has a Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature from Columbia University.

Image: Reuters.