Domestic Violence Hotlines See Flood of Calls During Coronavirus Lockdown

Police place crime scene tape Monday, Aug. 20,, 2018, around a home on Dr. DB Todd Jr. Blvd. in Nashville, Tenn., where Demontrey Logsdon was taken into custody for questioning in last week's shooting outside The Cobra bar
March 24, 2020 Topic: Security Region: Americas Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: CoronavirusCOVID-19Domestic ViolenceGenderQuarantine

Domestic Violence Hotlines See Flood of Calls During Coronavirus Lockdown

Seattle and Nashville both saw increases.


Domestic Violence Hotline calls have increased in Nashville while domestic violence arguments have increased in Seattle amid coronavirus quarantines.

The Seattle Police Department reported a 23% increase of 114 domestic violence related events over the same time last year, Detective Patrick Michaud told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The two primary categories with increases were domestic violence arguments, disturbance with no arrest followed by domestic violence-assist victim by court order.


“This includes both dispatched and onviews,” he said. “When we just look at dispatched calls, that percentage increases to ~28% or 107 more calls from the previous year.”

The domestic violence crisis hotline Nashville YWCA Crisis & Support Helpline also reported a 55% jump in the first two weeks of March compared to the same time last year, according to the Tennessean, receiving 252 calls between March 1 and March 19 compared to the 163 calls the hotline received during the same period last year.

Advocates warn that victims are experiencing greater risks as Americans quarantine, placing victims and perpetrators in close and constant proximity.

“Because we expect that people are spending more time at home, possibly not leaving the home for work each day, for example, we know survivors are spending more time in closer proximity to their abusers,” the National Domestic Violence Hotline CEO Katie Ray-Jones told the DCNF March 19. “This is stressful for everyone but especially survivors.”

For any victims and survivors who need support, we are here for you, 24/7. We’ve taken precautions to keep staff safe. Call 1-800-799-7233, or if you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto or text LOVEIS to 22522.

— National Domestic Violence Hotline (@ndvh) March 23, 2020

“Our experience informs us that in homes where domestic violence is occurring and there is a negative financial impact or added stress in the home, we typically see a higher frequency of incidents of abuse and severity of abuse,” Ray-Jones added.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s call, chat and text volume has remained in the usual range of 1800-2000 per day range, spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence confirmed to the DCNF Monday.

“We are closely monitoring and will be able to provide updates if that changes,” Ray-Jones said. “We will also monitor if text or online chats elevate over phone calls, as that might happen because phone calls may be difficult for survivors to make.”

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Image: August 20. 2018. Larry McCormack / The Tennessean via USA TODAY NETWORK