Jake Tapper Mocks Abysmal Biden Showing At Iowa Caucus

Posters for Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden stand near voters waiting for a caucus to begin in Des Moines, Iowa, U.S., February 3, 2020. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Jake Tapper Mocks Abysmal Biden Showing At Iowa Caucus

Womp, womp.


CNN’s Jake Tapper mocked Joe Biden’s poor showing at a caucus site in Iowa on Monday, where the former vice president came in sixth among Democratic presidential candidates.

Tapper was surveying caucus-goers at a Des Moines precinct where candidates needed support from at least 56 people to have their vote total contribute to the overall Iowa caucus tally.


“This does not look like 56 people,” Tapper said as he approached Biden’s group of supporters.

“You look like lovely, wonderful people,” Tapper continued, “but it doesn’t look like you made the viability threshold.”

“Not yet,” a Biden supporter told Tapper.

“Not … ” Tapper began.

“There’s time,” someone said.

“There’s time?” Tapper deadpanned. “This year?”

“I’m not trying to be funny,” the newsman said.

Biden amassed only 22 voters in the first round of the caucus count, putting him in sixth place at the precinct.

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Image: Reuters.