Republican Lawmakers On 'Significant Errors' By FBI in 'Explosive' Trump Probe

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) listens to testimony during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the impeachment inquiry into U.S. President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., December 9, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott
December 10, 2019 Topic: Politics Region: Americas Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: Donald TrumpFISAInspector GeneralRussian InterferenceDeep State

Republican Lawmakers On 'Significant Errors' By FBI in 'Explosive' Trump Probe

'The Inspector General’s report confirms what many of us feared,' Rep. Jim Jordan wrote.t


Republican lawmakers touted the FISA report findings Monday, noting the FBI had made significant errors and omissions when applying for warrants to spy on a Trump campaign advisor.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report found 17 significant omissions and errors made by the FBI, contradicting many who defended the bureau. Many congressional Republicans argued that the report’s findings vindicated their suspicions about the Russia probe.


“The Inspector General’s report confirms what many of us feared: James Comey’s FBI ignored guidelines and rules in spying on President Trump’s campaign in 2016,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted.

He continued on to outline other notes that the report found, adding that “this is a grave matter that should deeply trouble Americans of all political stripes.”

There are many lingering questions, and I expect both @RepJerryNadler and @RepMaloney to convene hearings with Inspector General Horowitz as soon as possible. (4/4)

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) December 9, 2019

California Rep. Devin Nunes called for the FISA court “to take action.” He noted that the Republican’s FISA abuse memo was “accurate.” Nunes released a report Feb. 2, 2018 that criticized the FBI for various shortcomings, including political and personal bias against the president.

“Looks like DOJ IG Report is clear that Republican FISA abuse memo from February 2018 was accurate and actually understated the FISA abuse the dirty cops engaged in,” Nunes wrote. “Time for FISA court to take action!”

Many Democratic lawmakers remained largely silent following the report’s release Monday.

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows echoed other lawmaker’s views, writing Monday that the report is “every bit as bad as advertised.” He called out media outlets such as the New York Times and CNN for “defensive leaks,” writing that it’s not surprising following what the report found.

And after reading this, it’s no wonder we’ve been seeing defensive leaks in the New York Times and CNN. And that the Democrats rushed to hold an impeachment hearing the same day.

It’s every bit as bad as advertised. And certainly worse than the media has been suggesting.

— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) December 9, 2019

Indiana Rep. Jim Banks wrote that the report is “explosive,” calling out the FBI for spying on Trump.

“False info provided by man paid via DNC/Clinton campaign played a ‘central and essential role’ in decision to seek FISA warrant and surveil member of Trump campaign,” Banks tweeted. “They spied on Trump. Now @DevinNunes. Sounds like a banana republic.”

“Just more evidence Dems will break any rule or law to rig an election against Trump,” Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise tweeted when the report came out. “These crooked bureaucrats must be held accountable!”

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham compared the FBI’s actions to that of “the good old days of J. Edgar Hoover.”

“Unfortunately at the Department of Justice and FBI, there was a period of time when they went back to the good old days of J. Edgar Hoover, where they made stuff up, they misled people,” Graham tweeted.

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Image: Reuters.