Sarah Huckabee Sanders Apologies for Mocking Biden's Stutter

U.S. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks to the news media after giving an interview to Fox News outside of the White House in Washington, U.S. May 22, 2019. REUTERS/Leah Millis

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Apologies for Mocking Biden's Stutter



Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders apologized to former Vice President Joe Biden for making fun of a stutter he did during Thursday’s Democratic debate.

Biden spoke about people he has encountered throughout his presidential campaign towards the end of Thursday’s debate. At one point, the former vice president imitated a child who had a stutter. Sanders made fun of the stutter in a since-deleted tweet, apparently not knowing that Biden himself had one when he was younger.


After tweeting making fun of Biden, he called her out and noted his childhood stutter. Sanders apologized following the Twitter dispute.

“I apologize and should have made my point respectfully,” Sanders tweeted.

Sanders deleted her original tweet where she had written out Biden’s comment where he imitated a stutter.

“I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hhhave absolutely no idea what Biden is talking about,” she tweeted.

The tweet received major backlash before it was deleted. Sanders also deleted a subsequent tweet defending her first comment.

“To be clear was not trying to make fun of anyone with a speech impediment,” Sanders tweeted. “Simply pointing out I can’t follow much of anyone Biden is talking about.”

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Image: Reuters.