Almost 2.7 Million Sign Petition For $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks

July 20, 2021 Topic: economy Region: Americas Blog Brand: Politics Tags: Stimulus CheckPandemicPetitionCongressEconomy

Almost 2.7 Million Sign Petition For $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks

The federal government has already sent out three rounds of direct relief to low- and middle-income households since the start of the pandemic.


An online petition created last year that calls on Congress to deliver $2,000 monthly stimulus payments until the end of the coronavirus pandemic continues to draw support and is close to hitting its three million signature goal. 

The petition, developed by Colorado restaurant owner Stephanie Bonin, directly addresses the House and Senate, pushing lawmakers to craft a bill that would provide “$2,000 payments for adults and $1,000 payment for kids” until the pandemic subsides. The petition has garnered more than 2.65 million signatures, less than 400,000 away from reaching its overall goal. 

“Our country is still deeply struggling,” Bonin wrote in an updated version of the petition. 

“The recovery hasn’t reached many Americans—the true unemployment rate for low-wage workers is estimated at over 20 [percent] and many people face large debts from last year for things like utilities, rent and child care,” she added. “These are all reasons that checks need to be targeted to people who are still struggling and that Congress needs to learn from this past year. It took nine months for Congress to send a second stimulus check, and just moments to spend it.” 

Millions of Americans remain unemployed, as the jobless rate stands at 5.9 percent in June, a figure that’s almost double what it was before the pandemic. Despite small economic gains and unemployment decreases, congressional Democrats and some Americans are advocating for a fourth stimulus payment or recurring checks tied to economic conditions.

Bonin told Newsweek that she is “confident” that the petition will hit its goal of three million signatures.

“People like me who have never had to go onto an assistance program are living an experience we’ve never lived and I think it’s a unifying thing,” she said. “When people unify we can move mountains.”

The federal government has already sent out three rounds of direct relief to low- and middle-income households since the start of the crisis.

President Joe Biden approved $1,400 stimulus payments for individuals earning up to $75,000 annually, as well as couples making less than $150,000 annually and heads of households earning up to $112,500. The relief package sends an additional $1,400 per qualifying dependent.

Congress also approved two pandemic overhauls during former President Donald Trump’s time in the White House, sending Americans $1,200 from the Cares Act passed in March and $600 from a December pandemic measure.

“Moving forward Congress needs to make recurring checks automatic if certain triggers are met. No more waiting around for our government to send the help we need,” Bonin wrote. “Sign to join our movement to get recurring checks to the people.” 

Rachel Bucchino is a reporter at the National Interest. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report and The Hill. 

Image: Reuters