Bad News: Factory Driven Out of Minneapolis By Riots

A protestor waves a burned American flag over a fire during a protest against the death in Minneapolis police custody of African-American man George Floyd, in St Louis, Missouri, U.S., June 1, 2020. Picture taken June 1,2020 REUTERS/Lawrence Bryant
June 10, 2020 Topic: Politics Region: Americas Blog Brand: The Reboot Tags: George FloydRiotsPolice BrutalityMinneapolisJobs

Bad News: Factory Driven Out of Minneapolis By Riots

“We were on our own those first few nights. There were simply more people destroying property, more people setting fires, than any city government could respond to at once.”


The owner of a manufacturing company based in Minneapolis has decided to move his factory after law enforcement was unable to protect the plant from burning during riots.

The plant shut down early in anticipation of the second night of riots and to ensure the safety of employees, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.President and Owner of 7-Sigma Inc. Kris Wyrobek said a production supervisor and maintenance worker who live near the plant kept watch over the business and reported a fire at an apartment complex next door.


“They don’t care about my business. They didn’t protect our people. We were all on our own,” Wyrobek told the Tribune. “The fire engine was just sitting there, but they wouldn’t do anything. That’s the frustrating thing to us.”

Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said the city’s response to the rioting was an “abject failure,” the Tribune reported. Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey echod Walz’s response, claiming the city was overwhelmed.

“We were on our own those first few nights. There were simply more people destroying property, more people setting fires, than any city government could respond to at once,” Frey said.

Frey has a news conference scheduled for Monday to announce the development of a group of business and community leaders to advise the city on rebuilding efforts, according to the Tribune.

Wyrobek said it’s “too late” to keep his company in Minneapolis, the move will take about 50 jobs with it, the Tribune reported.

Wyrobek said, “we are sorting through the rubble, trying to figure out how to get this operational again. We are cautiously optimistic we can do that. But we are certainly not able to do that in Minneapolis,” the Tribune reported.

Wyrobek’s company, 7-Sigma Inc., produces mannequins used in medical training programs along with the precision rollers utilized by high-speed printing systems that produce bank statements and social security checks, according to the Tribune.

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A protestor waves a burned American flag over a fire during a protest against the death in Minneapolis police custody of African-American man George Floyd, in St Louis, Missouri, U.S., June 1, 2020. Picture taken June 1,2020 REUTERS/Lawrence Bryant.