The U.S. Navy’s Plan for a Lethal New Drone Fleet

The U.S. Navy’s Plan for a Lethal New Drone Fleet

Groups of integrated drones would then instantly relay pertinent data to underwater or ship-board computing systems and sensors


Virginia Payload Modules, or VPM, consist of an effort to increase the missile firing capability of Virginia-Class submarines from 12 to 40 vertically fired missiles.

Kris Osborn became the Managing Editor of Scout Warrior in August of 2015. His role with includes managing content on the Scout Warrior site and generating independently sourced original material. Scout Warrior is aimed at providing engaging, substantial military-specific content covering a range of key areas such as weapons, emerging or next-generation technologies and issues of relevance to the military. Just prior to coming to Scout Warrior, Osborn served as an Associate Editor at the This story originally appeared in Scout Warrior. 


Image: U.S. Navy