Can Realism Find a Home on the Left?

Can Realism Find a Home on the Left?

The question of whether narrow nationalism and restrained foreign policy realism will come from the Left or Right is the ultimate choice for an exhausted republic facing crippling inflation, potential overstretch, and insolvency.


None of this is a criticism of Wertheim’s essay because it is by far the only significant recent publication to have grappled with the question of the dreaded specter of “nationalism” on the Left. It also is the only one that prudently argues for a limit to crusading progress, bravely going against the current zeitgeist. But history suggests that crusaders are usually fanatical and rarely listen to the wisdom of limits which is a part of the conservative ethos. Ultimately, however, there is a larger debate to be had on the Left about whether progressivism is compatible with nationalism. And that is a debate of enormous significance for the future direction of American grand strategy. Conservatives should take note.

Sumantra Maitra is a national security fellow at the Center for the National Interest and an elected associate fellow at the Royal Historical Society.


Image: Reuters.