How to Have a Big Disastrous War with China

June 27, 2014 Topic: SecurityMilitary Strategy Region: United StatesChina

How to Have a Big Disastrous War with China

The flawed logic of Offshore Control.


In future conflict with China, however unthinkable that may be, the U.S. and China would likely face off over relatively minor, local disputes that will hardly merit escalatory actions like economic blockades. The best way to deter Chinese attempts at regional hegemony and bilateral coercion is to possess qualitatively superior and asymmetric capabilities, better trained and integrated forces, and strong multilateral bonds of common interest and relationships with allies and partners. These are the types of forces the Department of Defense is developing based on the Joint Operational Access Concept, Air-Sea Battle, and the Joint Concept for Entry Operations. If China’s leaders know the U.S. will strongly back the international order and directly challenge any use of China’s military force to solve regional disputes, crisis stability can be maintained without resorting to threats to strangle China’s economy and disrupt the entire world’s trade.



Bill Dries is a retired Air Force Colonel and works in Headquarters Air Force’s Concepts, Strategy, and Wargaming Division. He has worked on the development and implementation of the Air-Sea Battle concept since 2011. The opinions and views expressed are his own.

Image: Flickr/Official U.S. Air Force/CC by-nc 2.0