India's Role in the Great-Power Struggle Over the Indo-Pacific Region

January 23, 2020 Topic: Security Region: Asia Tags: IndiaChinaForeign PolicyMilitaryNarendra Modi

India's Role in the Great-Power Struggle Over the Indo-Pacific Region

New Delhi’s foreign policy, at the kernel level, is very deeply ingrained in strategic autonomy, which stems from its nonalignment days.


Indian diplomats do not see the Quad as a smaller, naval NATO that will execute operations in various parts of the world. Instead, they view it as cooperation for military exercises—one that will be characterized by slow movers, since it is comprised of four democratic countries that are not quite politically cohesive. 

Akshobh Giridharadas is a former broadcast reporter covering business and international relations with Channel NewsAsia in Singapore and a graduate of the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts. He has regularly published with outlets such as The Diplomat, the Observer Research Foundation, Inside Sources, and FirstPost on geopolitics, business and sports.


Image: Reuters