Secretary James N. Mattis Addresses the Center for the National Interest
Secretary Mattis receives the CFTNI Distinguished Service Award on July 25, 2018.
So take heart from their example from our revolutionary days to today, and remember, in the military, cynicism is simply another form of cowardice. Should your faith in our nation ever be shaken, bring to mind the high-spirited faith of our troops and you’ll be refreshed in your own spirit.
Thank you to the Center for the National Interest for inviting me to share some time with you. I am humbled to be here and represent your military this evening, for the award presented this evening is all about your troops, their enduring love for our country and their valor in the fight.
May God watch over our young men and women in harm’s way tonight.
James N. Mattis is the current and twenty-sixth U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Image: Maggie Ybarra