U.S. Russia Relations: How Did We Get Here?

U.S. Russia Relations: How Did We Get Here?

If only we had followed Reagan's approach to Russia, just imagine how different the world would be today.


We know how we got here – now it’s time for us collectively as Democrats and Republicans, House Members and Senators, and ordinary citizens to join together to create this new relationship. Our people, our children and our world are depending upon us collectively through our new President to make this happen.

Curt Weldon served in the US House for 20 years and retired as Vice Chairman of the Armed Services and Homeland Security Committee. Weldon conceived, initiated and Co-Chaired the Duma/Congress Initiative and led dozens of bi-partisan Congressional Delegations to Russia (as he did with other nations). 


Image: St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. Flickr/Creative Commons/@xiquinhosilva