Trump Raises $5 Million on Impeachment Day

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S., December 18, 2019. REUTERS/Leah Millis?

Trump Raises $5 Million on Impeachment Day

Womp, womp...


President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said Wednesday night that it raised over $5 million on the day House Democrats voted to impeach the president.

The president “has raised over 5M dollars (still growing) today as Americans use their wallet to show support against @SpeakerPelosi’s impeachment hoax!” Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, wrote in a tweet following the vote.


“Incredible fundraising numbers!” he added.

Parscale linked to a website the Trump campaign created to collect donations for the president’s reelection bid.

The House voted on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The House voted 230-197 on the first article, with Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voting “present,” and 229-198 on the second article. No Republicans voted for the impeachment of Trump.

Trump is apparently using the Democrats’ vote to buttress his presidential campaign. Parscale made a similar claim Sunday, telling his Twitter followers the campaign raked in roughly $10 million in one week as Democrats were pursuing impeachment charges against the president.

The president is also feeling some wind at his back even as Democrats close in.

His job approval rating is at 45%, while Americans remain divided over whether he should be impeached, according to a Gallup poll published Wednesday, and 46% support impeachment and removal.

More than 50% oppose impeachment and removal, an increase of five percentage points, according to the poll.

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Image: Reuters.