Bloomberg's Campaign Thinks Trump Would Win...

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg delivers remarks where he was honored by the Iron Hills Civic Association at the Richmond County Country Club in Staten Island, New York, U.S., December 4, 2019. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

Bloomberg's Campaign Thinks Trump Would Win...

...if the election were today.


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign manager acknowledged Monday what some in the Democratic Party feared: President Donald Trump stands a good chance of winning reelection.

“Right now, if the election were held, I think President Trump probably is reelected,” Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg campaign manager, told Bill Hemmer on Fox News.


He suggested Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is focusing only on a handful of pro-Trump states.

“That’s one of the reasons Mike got into this campaign,” Sheekey said, referring to Bloomberg’s concerns that the Democratic field is not up to the challenge of beating the president.

Part of the reason for his rising fortunes is his strategy: Bloomberg has spent nearly $250 million on advertising in the two months since he joined the Democratic race, Politico reported Sunday. Prices for political TV ads have jumped 20% since Bloomberg’s campaign began, the publication noted.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign is focusing much of its arsenal on Facebook and Google, with the president doling out at least $12 million on Google since May 2018, CNBC reported Jan. 16, citing data from a progressive analytics group, Acronym.

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Image: Reuters.