Warren Attacks Bezos for Pushing ‘Like-Minded Billionaires To Run For President’

Democratic 2020 U.S. presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks at a political rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S. November 7, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Drake

Warren Attacks Bezos for Pushing ‘Like-Minded Billionaires To Run For President’

'This is what happens when you threaten to root out the corruption that has taken our government hostage,' her campaign wrote.


Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign attacked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Sunday for pushing former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg to run for president.

A Sunday campaign email from the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate highlights Bezos’s support for Bloomberg. The former mayor, who is a billionaire, is reportedly pondering joining the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.


“It’s no wonder billionaires like Jeff Bezos are making calls to urge like-minded billionaires to run for president themselves,” the campaign email said. “They want a friend in the Oval Office that will cater to their every need — and they know Elizabeth won’t be that person.”

The email calls on supporters to donate to the Warren campaign, promising to root out corruption and reminding readers that the Warren campaign relies on grassroots supporters rather than wealthy donors.

“This is what happens when you threaten to root out the corruption that has taken our government hostage,” the email warned. “The wealthy and well-connected will always have each other’s backs if it means having a Washington that caters to their every need.”

A poll Morning Consult conducted and released Sunday found that Bloomberg would beat President Donald Trump in a hypothetical election matchup. The poll showed Bloomberg polling at 43% while Trump polled at 37%. Twenty-one percent of those polled are undecided or don’t know who they would vote for.

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Image: Reuters.