Bloomberg Spends $10 Million for One Week in TV Ad Spree

Former New York City Mayor and possible 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg speaks at the Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S., January 29, 2019. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Bloomberg Spends $10 Million for One Week in TV Ad Spree

One analyst called it 'MASSIVE.'


Billionaire and 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has begun booking “massive” amounts of television ad time across the country as he ramps up his bid to become the Democratic nominee.

Bloomberg has booked ad time in several media markets that will begin to air as early as Monday, Politico reports. Stations across the country have reported that Bloomberg has bought ad time, including stations in Mankato, Minnesota, Tallahassee, Florida, Pueblo, Colorado, and Sacramento, California, the publication reports.


“This buy is MASSIVE,” said Advertising Analytics analyst Ben Taber in an email to Politico “We’ve only seen a few one-off stations but it looks like the buy is going to be at least $10 [million] for one week. Possibly way more.”

Bloomberg plans to spend up to $500 million for this election, Politico reports.

The billionaire could spend more in a single day than most presidential candidates spend in their entire campaign, Democratic consultant pollster Fernand Amandi told Politico. Amandi also worked for former President Barack Obama’s campaigns.

“What makes the Bloomberg campaign budget so amazing is that there is no budget. Everything is attainable,” Amandi added. “We haven’t seen a presidential campaign like one that Michael Bloomberg could run.”

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Image: Reuters.