Pirates and Kid Gloves
Lawyers David Rivkin Jr. and Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky call for a new "international piracy tribunal" to prosecute the scourge of the high seas. The problem as it currently stands, they write in the Washington Post, is that the world's developed nations keep dumping captured buccaneers on Kenya for trial because it costs less and they fear the pirates will be able to claim asylum due to the violence and humanitarian crisis in Somalia (where most of them originate from). Rivkin and his coauthor highlight the paradox that wealthy countries are deploying warships to combat piracy in the Indian Ocean, only to treat them "with kid gloves" once they have the pirates in custody. And Kenya is feeling the strain of having to pick up the tab of trying the sea-faring criminals, leaving the only options as "dealing with pirates extrajudicially" (Henry Hudson–style, as Russia apparently have, leaving their captives "mid-ocean without navigational equipment") or putting in place some sort of UN-backed "legal architecture."